I Am Salon & Day Spa's Blog

I AM...Going Natural

March 4th, 2016 • Posted by Beauty. Fashion. Lifestyle. • Permalink

Now I am not saying 'going natural' as in no longer keeping up with your good hygiene (nobody likes a stinky friend) but more so as in going natural with your hair and makeup routine. This coming spring, trade in your heavier foundation for Aveda's tinted moisturizer with built in SPF 15. It has the perfect sheer coverage for an all natural look you want. Highlight your lovely lashes with a dark brown mascara such as Aveda's Mosscara in the color Earth for a softer eye followed with Aveda's Lip Saver which is my favorite moisturizing lip balm.

On to those locks. If you are looking for an effortless hair style and color that looks like you simply have done nothing but be the fabulous person you are try a rooty-ombre. It is stylish, chic and low maintenance which is perfect when going for a natural look and with Aveda's products formulated from plant derived ingredients, being natural is second nature!